Our Live Reviews
Since our inception in 2012, our live reviews were designed to help International Medical Graduates (IMG's), Foreign Medical Doctors (FMG's) and Canadians Studying Abroad (CSA's) develop the skills and concepts they needed to pass the necessary examinations to qualify for a residency position in Canada (and the US). Since then we have also had Canadian Medical Students and Graduates (CMGs) attend our reviews too! And although we don't re-teach medicine, we do work to prepare each student by focusing on weak areas such as communications, efficiency, ethical and cultures acceptances and rapid review of high-yield concepts. The material we use to teach our reviews is under constant revisions to ensure the most up-to-date content possible. And as there are many other programs across Canada that offer examination reviews and preparation services, we have found the there are flaws and inefficiencies in all of them, which ultimately waste valuable time and money. We have therefore prepared a program that not only serves as an invaluable tool but also gets results. In addition to our fully qualified teaching staff, we also have a network of visiting lecturers including Canadian Medical Residents (PGY-1 through PGY-5), Senior Canadian Medical Students and Canadian Healthcare Executives who share our vision of getting you the highest scores possible!
Thank you for considering MedSckool Reviews.
Thank you for considering MedSckool Reviews.